Friday, November 25, 2011

Unboxing a LandYachtz Bamboo Pinner Longboard

       Again, another one of those posts which I should have thrown up a day or two after the event happened. Buuut, time isn't always so permitting, and I'm only just having the time I wanted back in August right now. The post regarding the unboxing of the Land Yachtz Switch has turned out to be the most popular post on here to date, most likely on account of how many people probably look for unboxings of things. I'm throwing another one of those posts up after the fact so everyone can see what you get in a box from LandYachtz, how it all comes packaged, and I can attest that the Switch came in the exact same sort of packaging as the Bamboo Pinner.
       Before I send you all headlong into the pictures, I guess I should explain why I was opening a second longboard box from LandYachtz at the end of August. It took me about 2 months (one where I wasn't boarding at all) and about 24 hours of practice to make me decide that longboarding was something I was going to be able to pick and stick with. I liked it a lot, but didn't have any friends to go boarding with. I opted to pick up a second, less expensive board so I could take friends out with me so I wouldn't be skating alone, and decided to get the flexy top-mount pintail since it would compliment the stiff dropped-deck board I was already riding on. Here it is, with some impressions at the end...

 All wrapped in foam and paper.

 Nice and secure so those trucks don't get jostled around more than necessary.

 I like the magazine, always thought it was a nice touch, Switchback and Royal Boardshop do it too.

      So.... no pictures of the board in all of it's unboxed glory, but visit the LandYachtz website and you'll see it for sure. I didn't end up riding this one very much, and didn't get particularly amazing on the LY Switch while I owned the Pinner to be able to dole out a good comparison review. What I can say about this board is that it felt a lot more like what I expected a longboard to feel like than the Switch. The Switch felt like I was swinging in a cradle when I first got it and tried leaning back and forth. This one definitely felt more like it leaned with me when I was going to make a turn. It obviously felt a lot higher than the Switch which made me feel a bit like an elephant on a Dixie cup, and it was waaaay more responsive. It was quite shocking actually, the first time I took it for a spin was both terrifying and thrilling. I'd never known such responsiveness with the Switch, and didn't for another month after that since I'd never tried loosening the nut on the kingpin. I gotta say, loose trucks are a lot of fun! I have opted to sell this board though, and it will be leaving my loving arms for those of someone new in three days. I now know that I favor the dropped decks, drop throughs, and double drops, but I wholly intend to pick up another pintail again some day since they are a whole lot of fun, perhaps then I'll look into something from the Original line-up. Money is an issue right now, though, so I need to be riding things that work best for me!

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